A line of credit gives you access to funds up to your credit limit which can be borrowed and paid back multiple times while only paying interest on the money you borrow. This is a flexible and typically unsecured way to borrow money for seasonal businesses or businesses that need help managing cash flow or handling unexpected expenses.
Flexible borrowing.
Typically no collateral required.
Helps build a business credit history.
May have maintenance or withdrawal fees.
Good credit and consistent monthly revenue required.
Longer time in business usually preferred.
Best for:
Short-term needs such as payroll and inventory expenses.
Unexpected business expenses.
Seasonal businesses.
Our 3 Step Process
1. Apply In Less Than 5 Minutes.
Fill out our simple application. This will have no impact on your credit, there's no fee, and there's no obligation to accept funding.
2. We review your application
We review your goals and present you with different programs matching your needs, getting an offer in 24 hours.
3. Receive funding
Choose the program that fits you best and receive funding within 48 hours.